"I met Amber through a mutual friend a couple years ago when my cat was going through chemo treatments for mammary gland cancer. Amber has been a Godsend for my furbabies. I believe because of Amber’s gentle way and her wonderful Reiki offerings, Allie recovered much faster than expected. Allie truly loves her Reiki sessions with Amber. When my boy Tiger was diagnosed with intestinal cancer, Amber was so kind to offer Reiki to him daily. Amber has a huge heart, she is extremely generous and her love for animals is amazing. Allie and I consider her family, and we are so glad that Amber is in our lives." -DS

"If anyone could be a best at anything, it would certainly be Amber with animals. Whenever I have had a difficult time relating with our beagle, he simply encourages me to call Amber."   -MG

"Our epileptic dog became very relaxed and fell into a deep sleep during his distant Reiki session. This tranquility and happiness lasted for some time afterwards. There was a calmness and a feeling of lightness after his treatment for both of us. I believe Reiki is helping him, and I tell others with anxious or behavior challenged dogs to try it. Amber is wonderful to work with, has a real connection to our dog, and we will continue to have regular sessions." -JK

"My dog is so calm around you. I know you have a special connection with her, and I respect and admire that. I loved being able to witness the experience. Knowing what a patient, creative person you are, it doesn't surprise me." -KL

"Thank you for the insights about my three. I am truly blessed to have them and you in my life." -PS

"There is definite progress with our cat's anxiety. He came out from under the bed last night and was looking around, as if for the first time. He made eye contact with me without hissing and we even played with his feather toy together. This is such progress and I know the Reiki is working on him. Thank you." -CS

"During the distant session, our dog took a deep breath and then let it go. I could tell you were working with her at that time. He breathing went from more of a quick breath, to a calm breathing pattern. She laid there very peacefully. After, she did a big stretch, walked over to her bed, took a big breath, and closed her eyes to rest. The whole experience was amazing to watch. Plus I could totally understand her process. You're amazing." -MN

"Thank you for taking the time to help our dog that has an autoimmune disease. I know she was very relaxed during and after the treatment, which helps to combat her inflammation. We haven't seen her roll on her back and relax for months, and during her treatment she did just that! She was able to escape the pain and that was worth its weight in gold." -MG 

"We have an older dog with some health issues. I enjoyed  to see him so relaxed during his treatment.  After the session with Amber, he had a spring in his step and was able to take a longer walk." -BK

"We wanted our dog, with stage 3 kidney failure to find comfort. After her session, she appears more energetic and happier than last week. She's moving around more easily. I liked the feeling that we were able to do something positive for her without extra medication." -NS

"Our dog had a family loss which disrupted his routine and his life. The changes in his behavior have been the result of his sessions with Amber. I noticed how responsive he was to her gentle hand placements and sweet words to him. I have learned to be more sensitive to his needs, and we are both happier as a result of his Reiki treatment. I sincerely appreciated all of the modeling of responsive behaviors and heightening of my awareness to his loving spirit." MS

"We have a diabetic Lab and are constantly monitoring her. She has also been favoring her left back leg. After Reiki sessions with Amber she no longer was favoring her leg and putting more weight on it. She seemed very happy and comfortable following me around the yard while I did yard work. I love getting the session notes. You know our girl!" -BW

"Thank you so much! I noticed that our Beagle seemed really content during after his session. He was happily curled up, and at one point came over to sit next to me, which was so rare for him. It was clear that he was receiving something. Thank you so much for helping him. It's very exciting to us to feel like we can assist him." -LC

"My American Terrier has been battling chronic allergies. During her first treatment she was so relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. It was very appreciated to see healing intended for animals." -CB

"Amber helped my senior, blind and deaf dog. He was diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease and suffers from HIGH anxiety as a symptom. Amber worked with him several times and after each session it was AMAZING. He was calm, peaceful and serene. Amber is such a kind and knowledgeable Reiki expert that knows exactly what is needed. And my fella agrees. We are grateful." -PM

Class Testimonials

"Love learning about Reiki with Amber. She is very patient and answers all questions." KG

"Love Amber. She absolutely lives and breathes this work. She has a loving, compassionate, andreassuring way of presenting." -DR

"I loved the hands-on practice. The amount of material and flow of class was excellent.  The class exceeded my expectations and I feel prepared to start my journey of healing for myself and others."  -RA

"I have already taken Animal Reiki classes but I learned so much from this class that I didn't  already know. Amber is a great teacher and I highly recommend her class." -DS

"Amber is confident, relaxed, and set such a good tone from the beginning of the class that it was so easy to learn Reiki from her." -LM

"The class was relaxed, had a good pace, and good information with detailed examples. Amber has great energy, and her love for all animals shines through." -LN

"I Love that I get one on one. Love the location, ease of conversation, lessons, and Amber's energy." -LR

"Great location for learning. Good flow of information and learning the techniques of Reiki. I now have a fuller understanding and how this practice helps. I am so interested in pursuing the next level of Reiki and beyond." -JK

"Length of class is perfect. I liked the use of animals for hands-on practice and the open format with time to ask questions and talk together. Thank you very much for having this class. Your teaching style is so open, kind, and encouraging." -KL

"I had a wonderful experience taking the online level 1 Animal Reiki class with Amber Shaner.  She is very kind, patient and thorough and explains everything. I never felt rushed.  I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to become certified as an Animal Reiki practitioner."  -KS

"As a second degree Reiki  practitioner in three lineages I have had several Reiki teachers, and Amber is the teacher who has helped me deepen my practice the most. I’ve been on a meandering journey toward the Let Animals Lead method as I’ve gotten clearer about my calling to work with animals, and I was fortunate to meet Amber in her online Level 1 class. Her manner is so warm and loving that I was able to connect with her immediately. Her teaching style is clear, gentle, and encouraging and she models Reiki principles and ethics beautifully. It’s also clear that she takes great delight in working with animals. Regarding the online format, it didn’t feel like a barrier at all. In fact, it may have actually enhanced the intimacy of the class. Each reiju was powerful and palpable. 

An example of Amber’s intuition and teaching talent is our discussions of the precepts. Prior to this class I had trouble connecting with the precepts as I had learned them, and when I shared this with Amber she was open with me about her own journey with them and encouraged me to play with the language. This allowed me to get past my surface level resistance and understand them more deeply, and now reciting and contemplating them is one of my favorite parts of the day. The precepts are part of me now and this has deepened my relationship with Reiki and my practice with animals immeasurably. 

Amber has also encouraged me in my budding practice of animal photography, helping me to take myself more seriously as an artist. Combining Reiki meditation with photography has become one of my greatest joys. 

I enthusiastically recommend Amber as a teacher of online Reiki classes and I look forward to learning from her again if she’s approved to tach Level 2!" -AP

"I loved everything about Amber’s Level 1 “Let Animals Lead” reiki class. Before the classes even started I could tell that Amber was going be a great person to work with; she was super accommodating  and made sure that the proposed class time would work with all of our schedules.  Amber made learning fun and accessible.  She listened to our experiences with warmth and understanding and always found a way to connect them to our readings. I would definitely recommend Amber and the “Let Animals Lead” Level 1 course to anyone who is interested in learning how to share Reiki with animals.  I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to begin my Reiki journey with her!" -RF

"Amber was the perfect balance of personable and professional, with a warm and supportive personality. Each class built on the previous with flow and the information was shared with clarity and we were able to participate and still receive all the information Amber needed to get through each week. I felt each participant was as important as each other and the dynamic between us was lovely, which was always gently guided by Amber in just the right way. I looked forward to each class and it was the highlight of my week. I left feeling inspired and so very capable of sharing my gifts. I could not more highly recommend Amber as a teacher and person who certainly made a valuable contribution to my learning and desire to continue to Level III Teacher. In the meantime Level II is greatly anticipated." -TK